Mantra of portrait photography

Portraiture also known as portrait photography is a type of photography which is being popularized nowadays. Every new individual who are interested in photography are showing the maximum interest in the portrait photography. Portrait photography basically deals with photographs of a group of people or some individual. The main motive or importance of portrait photography is that the artist (who is the photographer) is trying to capture the personality of the individual or the subject in front of the camera. The capturing process is done properly and perfectly using backdrops, appropriate and effective lightening effects and also poses. When such portraits are arranged in a studio and photographs are taken, the photographer must have enough control and experience about the lightings all around. The effect of lights can change the total atmosphere and concept of the shoot. Adjustment in light and direction is very important for a perfect click. Some of the common plans regarding lightning which can be of real help are:

  1. Key light
  2. 3 point lighting
  3. Low key
  4. High key
  5. Fill in light
  6. Kicker
  7. Back light

Other than all the above mentioned type of lighting there are butterfly lightning, background lights and accessory lights. Portrait photography can serve a lot of options and purposes. Portrait photography is a growing business for all youth interested in photography. The portraits which are taken in North America of the senior students of high School after termed as senior portraits. Thus, each and every country is taking up portrait photography as one of the best among all other types of photography.

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